Present were: Mayor David Rauch, Attorney William Petrus, Chief David Taylor, Water and Wastewater Supt. Randy Poindexter, Building Inspector Terry Danley, Treasurer Chris M. Hopkins and City Clerk

Ruth M. Haskins.

Citizens and guests: Tony Taylor, Karen and Robert Foster and Jennifer Fritsche.


Woods                 Present

Fender                  Present

Brown                  Present

Gold                      Present

Kucera                  Absent

Huffman              Present

Mayor Rauch asked everyone to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mayor’s Comments. Mayor stated the new flag pole is installed, want to thank Mickey Brown, however we are having a problem with the solar light. There has been ongoing problems with the lift station on Mt. Vernon Road and want to thank Randy and Keith for keeping on top of the problems. The Insurance claim for a lightning damage to the lift station isn’t happening, they claim it is a mechanical problem. However, another Insurance Company is taking a look now to see if anything else can be done.

PUBLIC PARTICIPATION. Karen and Robert Foster received the News Letter from the City and had some questions. They have lived here six years and think that News Letter is really good for the citizens. They need some educating on why people working on their house have to have a license. Hopkins explained

any contractors that are working within the City Limits must buy a $25.00 license to do any home repairs. Hopkins stated this is to protect the homeowners’ from contractors that do not either complete the job after being paid or do faulty workmanship. Fosters also wanted to know if they could have chickens and if so how many. Fender responded no roosters. Clerk stated thinks it is 14. Hopkins responded they must be fenced and have a coup. Hopkins also stated if they had any other questions just call City Hall. Mr. Foster asked about the water and sewer rates. Mr. Foster asked about putting in another meter just for watering the garden and flowers. Hopkins stated that can be done, the charge would be $1,200.00 for installation.


a.    Mayor discussed Keith has completed classes that was not given a raise at that time as he had been told he would receive. Mayor   suggested the Board give him either a $.50 or $.25 raise at this time. Woods stated other employees have been to classes and did not get raises mid-year. Woods stated that would be setting a precedent. Brown stated do at the end of the year. Huffman stated Keith needs raise. Motion made to discuss raises in November by Brown seconded by Fender. Voting “Aye” Woods, Fender, Brown, Gold and Huffman. Voting “Nay” None. No abstentions.

b.     Mayor stated the lift station at Mt. Vernon and the Well #2 supposedly was hit by lightning on the same day, however after the insurance company sent an electrical engineer to investigate the conclusion was that it was not lightning that it was a mechanical problem. The pump at the lift station can be fixed for $1,400.00. The quote to replace the lift station was $130,000.00, which insurance was to pay $110,000.00 and the balance would come from Bond proceeds. However, since the insurance company now states it was not damaged by lightning they will not pay $110,000.00. Mayor stated after all the problems with the lift station it would probably be a good idea to go ahead and replace it. The engineers stated if start now will take 15 weeks before it can be replaced. By that time the Bond money could be available to pay for the         upgrade. Brown asked if the insurance is going to pay for the generators which is doubtful. Mayor stated the repair for the pump is $1,400.00 and a temporary control panel for $2,500.00.  Motion by Gold is to repair the pump and temporary controls $2,500.00 and move forward with the new lift station and litigation seconded by Woods. Voting “Aye” Woods, Fender, Brown, Gold and Huffman. Voting “Nay” None. No abstentions. Motion to approve Mayor to pay an expert up to $1,500.00 to inspect for lightning damage made by Gold seconded by Huffman. Voting “Aye” Woods, Fender, Brown, Gold and Huffman. Voting “Nay” None. No abstentions.

c.    Hopkins discussed putting Billings Ordinances on website. Motion made by Huffman to approve. Motion died for a lack of a second. Motion to postpone to next months’ meeting made by Huffman seconded by Fender. Voting “Aye” Woods, Fender, Brown, Gold and Huffman. Voting “Nay” None. No abstentions.


a.    Consent Agenda. Motion to accept the Consent Agenda made by Fender seconded by Brown. Voting “Aye” Woods, Fender, Brown,  Gold and Huffman. Voting “Nay” None.   No abstentions.

b.   Schmidt was a no show.

c.    Tony Taylor to present insurance quotes. He could only get 2 quotes 1 from OneBeacon for $35, 998.00 and Travelers for $34,848.00. Mo Rural will not give a quote because of the unresolved insurance claim. Motion to go with Travelers made by Brown second by Woods.  Voting “Aye” Woods, Fender, Brown, Gold and Huffman. Voting “Nay” None.   No abstentions.

d.   R-2018-1 — A Resolution for the Board of Aldermen of the City of Billings, Missouri, Supporting Missouri Proposition D. Woods is opposed to the Resolution. Brown will not support. No motion.

e.    Board to have the Attorney to draw up an Ordinance for reinstating the Park Board. Motion to have the Attorney draw up the Ordinance for a Park Board made by Huffman seconded by Brown. Voting “Aye” Woods, Fender, Brown, Gold and Huffman. Voting “Nay” None.  No abstentions.

f.     Mayor discussed the sale of a Police Car turned over to the Chief. Motion made by Fender to price $2,600.00 to $2,200.00 seconded by Gold. Voting “Aye” Woods, Fender, Brown, Gold and Huffman. Voting “Nay” None. No abstentions.

g.     Mayor discussed updating the Comprehensive Plan, SMCOG will do this plan for $5,000.00. Motion to proceed made by Huffman seconded by Brown. Voting “Aye” Woods, Fender, Brown, Gold and Huffman. Voting “Nay” None. No abstentions.

h.     Taylor discussed the graphics for the new police vehicle. Cost would be $512.00. Motion to approve plan made by Fender seconded by Gold. Voting “Aye” Woods, Fender, Brown, Gold and Huffman. Voting “Nay” None. No abstentions.

i.     Danley discussed having the Attorney update the Building Codes for 2018 into an Ordinance for next meeting. Motion made by Huffman seconded by Brown. Voting “Aye” Woods, Fender, Brown, Gold and Huffman. Voting “Nay” None. No abstentions.

j.    Board is to schedule time with Hopkins for 9 month amendment before next meeting. FYI.

k.   Motion to approve the wages, expenses, bills, statements and other expenditures for the month of September made by Gold seconded by Huffman. Voting “Aye” Woods, Fender, Brown, Gold and Huffman. Voting “Nay” None. No abstentions.

No further business.

Motion to adjourn made by Gold seconded by Huffman. Voting “Aye” Woods, Fender, Brown, Gold and Huffman. Voting “Nay” None. No abstentions.


David Rauch, Mayor



Ruth M. Haskins, City Clerk

Approved Minutes from Thursday, October 18, 2018 Board of Aldermen Meeting

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