Present were: Mayor David Rauch, Attorney William Petrus, Chief David Taylor,

Randy Poindexter, Water and Sewer Maint. Supt. and City Clerk Ruth M. Haskins.

Chris M. Hopkins, Treasurer was on medical leave.


Citizen present: Michael B. Hodges.



Huffman        Present

Kucera           Present          

Gold               Absent

Brown             Present

Fender            Present

Woods            Present


Mayor Rauch asked everyone to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.


Mayor’s Comments. Mayor stated had looked at Media-coms contract and they should fix damages done by their workers.



Mr. Hodges asked about the fence on the Cloud property, Hodges stated it had been surveyed. Rauch wanted to know if it had ever been voted on. Hodges responded he did not think it had. Hodges also asked about the old jail, if there were any plans to do anything with it. Rauch stated that it has been talked about. Fender asked who was doing the crosswalks. Rauch responded Melissa and Jessie had the paint.



  • Mayor would like to postpone this item one more time. Motion made by Fender to postpone to next month’s meeting, seconded by Kucera. Voting “Aye” Woods, Fender, Brown, Kucera and Huffman. Voting “Nay” None. No abstentions.




  • Consent Agenda. Motion to accept the Consent Agenda made by Huffman seconded by Fender. Voting “Aye” Woods, Fender, Brown, Kucera and Huffman. Voting “Nay” None. No abstentions.
  • Woods discussed fixing the drainage ditch at the corner of Pine and Howard. Will put 10’ pipe and attach to one already there and cover with chat and dirt. Also put up the poles on the outside edge. Motion to approve bid for $349.27 by Huffman. Huffman to amend the motion to approve up to $600.00 seconded by Kucera. Voting “Aye” Woods, Fender, Brown, Kucera and Huffman. Voting “Nay” None. No abstentions.
  • Poindexter discussed the Flow Meter at the plant has quit working has two bids. Motion made by Fender for $2,220.00 from Pollardwater for the Flow Meter for the plant seconded by Huffman. Voting “Aye” Woods, Fender, Brown, Kucera and Huffman. Voting “Nay” None. No abstentions. Check to see if this is a bond item.
  • Mayor to discuss reducing police force, no proposal at this time. Mayor to discuss hiring a part-time office until full time hired, pay at $14.00 per hour. Motion to approve part-time officer made by Brown seconded by Huffman. Voting “Aye” Woods, Fender, Brown, Kucera and Huffman. Voting “Nay” None. No abstentions.
  • Taylor to discuss the purchase of a new vehicle for the Police Department. Reserve account has $18,206.00, balance will be from savings to budget from wages not spent. Price for the Ford Explorer that Chief would like to buy is $35,941.00, the second choice would cost $30,131.00. Motion to approve purchase made by Fender seconded by Kucera. Voting “Aye” Woods, Fender, Brown, Kucera and Huffman. Voting “Nay” None. No abstentions.
  • Mayor discussed the election results, question 1 passed, question 2 did not pass. Board discussed putting the use tax question on the November Ballot. Motion made to Table this item made by Huffman seconded by Brown. Voting “Aye” Woods, Fender, Brown, Kucera and Huffman. Voting “Nay” None. No abstentions.
  • Brown discussed Hilburn needs some new stop signs. Board wanted to know where are the signs located that were bad. Hilburn did not list. Motion to Table made by Brown seconded by Huffman. Voting “Aye” Woods, Fender, Brown, Kucera and Huffman. Voting “Nay” None. No abstentions.
  • Brown discussed fixing the three street cuts and pad at storage building. Board suggested contacting Danny at the Road District to put cold mix in the street cuts. Pad can be done at a later date.
  • Brown asked about the status of the Flag Pole. Clerk stated the Board approved up to $3,000.00 in May for this item. Brown will contact Ozark Flag and put in center of lot behind the sidewalk.
  • Brown called the fence company and was told next Wednesday would be out to put up dog pens and the following week would do the lift station on Beech Street.
  • Haskins stated need to have a Public Hearing on the Tax Levy, then can have the Special Called Meeting on August 23, 2018. Motion to have Special Called Meeting made by Huffman seconded by Woods. Voting “Aye” Woods, Fender, Brown, Kucera and Huffman. Voting “Nay” None. No abstentions.
  • Review and approve payment of wages, expenses, bills, statements and other expenditures for the month of July, 2018. Fender would not approve theHuffman. Voting “Nay” None. No abstentions.   


  4. item l. without the check off list. Motion to postpone until next meeting made by Brown seconded by Kucera. Voting “Aye” Woods, Fender, Brown, Kucera and

No further Business.


Motion to adjourn made by Huffman seconded by Fender. Voting “Aye” Woods, Fender, Brown, Kucera and Huffman. Voting “Nay” None. No abstentions.





                                                                        David Rauch, Mayor










Ruth M. Haskins, City Clerk

Draft Minutes for Board of Aldermen Meeting August 16, 2018

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